Commercial Pest Package

From $175
Pest Control Services
Unexpected pests in your coffee shop, bakery, restaurant, or any other workplaces can be daunting and could potentially scare off your customers, get you fined or even worst close down your business by the Health Department, if your business is in the hospitality industry.
At Total Guard Pest Control, we use a variety of methods such as baiting, trapping, chemical treatment and dusting to ensure your pests problem is kept under control or even better completely eliminated for good.​
Pests does not discriminate the place they invade, live and breed. Whether it is a restaurant, take-away shop, coffee shop or an office building, if your business provides the right environment for them, they will be around. Your business will most likely encounter one or more of these pests:
lawn grubs;
termites; and more.
If your business is looking for a reliable, affordable, reputable and trusted company, then you have come to the right place. We specialised in handling all sorts of matters relating to the controlling and eradication of unwanted pests in the commercial industry.
Total Guard Pest Control is a fully licensed and insured company.
Our pest technicians are qualified, trained and experienced in dealing with a variety of problems arising from unwanted pests. Each are fully licensed and equipped with the necessary skills to solve any of your pest problems; no matter how big or small the job is.

From $250
Termite Inspections and Report
Whether it is your business building or your home, if they contain cellulose-based materials, they will be at risk from termites. The subterranean termites can enter your building through small cracks, gaps, openings in concrete and asphalt to get to timber.
Termites can be extremely difficult to prevent due to their small size and their ability to live in tunnels away from the open air.
Once termites are inside your building, they will slowly and silently eat 24/7 until you later become aware of the infestation. By then, termites could have already caused extensive damage to your building.
Therefore, it is very important to get a visual termite inspection completed on a regular basis to obtain expert advice and recommendations on how to protect your business from termite attacks.
Each year, Australians are faced with thousands of dollars in repair bills because they could not bother getting a visual termite inspection completed. So, don't make the same mistake.
What is involved in our visual termite inspection?
provide a comprehensive report with photos, recommendations and a termite management plan or a termite treatment proposal.
inspect the following areas up to 50 metres around the perimeter of the main structure (but not limited to):
external fence line;
garden areas (i.e. common areas);
external walls of the main structure;
detached structures such as garage, sheds, pergola etc;
internal areas of main structure;
roof void/s; and
What tools and devices do we use?
Total Guard Pest Control uses the latest tools and devices to assist in the early detection of termite activities. Depending on your current situation, most of these tools and devices will be utilised to provide a thorough and complete inspection at no additional cost to your business:
sounding tool;
moisture meter device;
thermal imaging camera;
motion detector device; and
bore-scope camera.

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Termite Control and Treatments
The subterranean termites cause millions worth of damage every year to properties in Australia. Subterranean termites are considered to be some of the most feared species of termites as they live underground and consumes timber and cellulose-based products. They live in colonies which can be comprised of millions of termites and they can build tunnels up to 100m long through structures. The longer these termites are left undetected, the more damage they cause to your business' building.
Therefore, it is essential a visual termite inspection should be completed on a regular basis. If applicable, in conjunction with a termite control and then installing the termite management system around your business' building. In relation to the visual termite inspection, the pest technician will be able to assess the "level of risks" your business has in terms of termite vulnerability. Then provide expert recommendations and action plan to protect the structure.
In addition, if live termites were found during the inspection, the pest technician can treat them on the spot with a controlling agent and then a follow-up in 2-4 weeks time will be arranged to ensure termites are completely disappeared from the area.
At the same time, the pest technician will provide advice and recommendations, treatment options to get rid of the active termites from your business and around the perimeter.
What we offer to protect your business?
full external chemical termite management system by trench and flood, drill and inject
reticulation termite management system
subfloor termite management system
baiting and monitoring termite management system
physical termite management system
The termite management system is different for every business depending on your building structure and landscape. We will recommend a suitable termite management system which is cost effective, that will be tailored toward your business and your needs.
Does the termite management system come with a Warranty?
Yes, our treatments are offered up to 8 years warranty or more depending on the system installed. A warranty that gives you the peace of mind for your business.
Why choose us?
QBCC accredited
Fully licensed and insured
Termidor accredited
Greenzone accredited